How much do top Silicon Valley Software Engineers earn (real salary data attached)


  • Engineering directors can make $850K+ annually (data source)
  • Engineering managers can make $430K - $475K annually (data source)
  • Senior software engineers can make $375K - $480K annually (data source)

Today the most popular internet companies in Silicon Valley include Google, Facebook, Amazon, Uber, Netflix. Hundreds of thousands of software engineers are working in those companies. How much can the top software engineers earn? Today, we use the data in, which indexes the official United States Department of Labor H1B PERM (green card) disclosure data, to answer this question.

In those internet companies, the annual compensation of software engineers and managers typically consists of three parts: 1) base salary, 2) cash bonus, and 3) stocks. However, the company Netflix is an exception, which awards its employees with only base salary. To attract the talents competing with Google, Facebook, etc, Netflix’s base salary is very high which is comparable to the total compensation of other companies.

From the United States Department of Labor H1B PERM (green card) disclosure data, we can get actual base salary data for Netflix employees. (Netflix needs to disclose the base salary data for their employees to the United States Department of Labor before filing green card applications.)

Engineering Director

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Engineering Manager

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Senior Software Engineer

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Based on these actual salary data from Netflix, we roughly estimate that in silicon valley companies,
  • Engineering directors can make $850K+ annually (data source)
  • Engineering managers can make $430K - $475K annually (data source)
  • Senior software engineers can make $375K - $480K annually (data source)

Want to know how much Google, Facebook, Apple, Amazon pay their employees for the base salary? Check


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